DATA4100 Assessment 2 Group Presentation Showcase

Assessment 2 Information

Subject Code:                      DATA4100

Subject Name:                      Data Visualisation Software Assessment Title:                Group Presentation Showcase Assessment Type:                Slide presentation

Presentation Length:             8            Minutes                           (+/-10%)

Weighting:                            30 %

Total Marks:                         30

Submission:                         In-class (In online workshop)

Due Date:                              Week 11

Your Task

•   Form groups of 3-4 in class before Week 10

•  Given a business problem and a data set, construct a dashboard and participate in an 8-minute role play involving the presentation of results to a manager

Assessment Description

Business Context:

Politicians and voters have always worried about electoral fraud even before the digital age. Recently, for example, Donald Trump claimed that there had been electoral fraud in Minneapolis in the United States (U.S.).  The U.S.  and other countries say they are very concerned about the recent elections in Guyana.  They say that vote counting was interrupted in a particular region and never completed.

Sources: election/572566832/

Given the concerns over electoral fraud, a large survey was carried out as part of “The Electoral Integrity Project” of the University of Sydney and Harvard Kennedy School. Approximately 3800 experts in different countries were surveyed to get their perceptions on electoral integrity.

Suppose that your group,  as analytics professionals,  have been asked by the United States Federal Election Commission ( to create a dashboard with a selection of the survey results and to present the visualization to Congress, in order to determine what the experts are saying about how common electoral fraud is around the world.

Dataset and variable descriptions:

Data Set:

•   You will be emailed World Expert level data on (electoral perceptions of >3800 experts) at the beginning of the assessment

•   Filename: PEI expert-level data (PEI_7.0) v2 09-05-2019.xlsx

Explanation file:

•   A data code file explaining what each column input is (i.e. the survey question asked and how it was measured) is a pdf called “EI 7.0 Codebook v2 .pdf” will be emailed to you at the beginning of the assessment

Assessment Instructions

Face-to-Face Students

•   Form groups of 3-4 in class before Week 10

•  Each group needs to ensure they bring at least one laptop to the class in Week 11 and have access to a data visualisation software (free student license)

•   Your lecturer will email the migration data set to your groups at the start of class.

•   Complete the assessment task below in groups:

o You will have 50 minutes to do Part A below (Create the visualization) after which you will upload your document (done in PPT or Word) to a dropbox on the assessment table. Please submit it as a PDF.

o You will have 30 minutes to do Part B below (Prepare your group presentation)

•   For the rest of the class each group will be given 8 minutes to present (The class will run

for 3 hours)

•   This task is open book

Online Students

•   Form groups of 3-4 in class before Week 10

•  Each group needs to ensure they attend the online workshop in week 11 and have access to a computer and data visualisation software (free student license)

•  Your lecturer will email the migration data set to your groups at the start of the online workshop.

•   Complete the assessment task below in break out groups with your camera on:

o You will have 50 minutes to do Part A below (Create the visualization) after which you will upload your document (done in PPT or Word) to a dropbox on the assessment table. Please submit it as a PDF.

o You will have 30 minutes to do Part B below (Prepare your group presentation)

•   For the rest of the online workshop each group will be given 8 minutes to present (The

the online workshop will run for 3 hours)

•   This task is open book

Assessment Tasks

•   Part A:

You have been asked by the Federal Election Commission ( to create a dashboard with a selection of the survey results in order to determine what the experts are saying about how common electoral fraud is around the world and how this affects the US context.

Construct a dashboard with at least three charts, using software of your choice

You will be given 50 minutes to create visualizations in your groups that best represent a selection of survey outcomes

After 50 minutes have elapsed upload your visualizations with some brief commentary to the dropbox under the Assessment table

o Your dashboard should represent the survey results to indicate to the Federal

Election Commission whether electoral fraud is likely in the 2020 US election

•  Part B: Once the visualizations are created, each member of your group should take one of these roles:

Data Analyst (Understands data storage/access and analysis)

Data Visualizer (Understands best practice in designing dashboards)

Analytics Translator (Understands how to translate the results for executives in brief and layman’s terms (simple language)

Politician (understands the “big picture” to be in the audience asking questions)

o If you only have three members, you can combine the Analyst and Visualiser roles.

•   Prepare a presentation for the Federal Electoral Commission in the United States

•   You will have 30 minutes to prepare.

•   Each group will have 8 minutes to present the dashboard to your manager and the wider audience.

•   The pretend Data Analyst, Data Visualiser, and Data Translator should spend two minutes each

presenting the results, as follows

The Data Analyst will explain what data was available and the choice of charts

The Data Visualiser will explain overall design considerations

The Data Translator will explain aspects of the results in simple language

The Politician from the Federal Electoral Commission will ask questions relevant to the dashboard results and comment on the results.

•   The wider audience (the other groups) will then be asked if they have questions.

Assessment Marking Guide

Data Visualisation Software

Section                                     Detail                                              Marks Available

Design a simple dashboard with three graphs addressing electoral fraud

Part A: Dashboard design

Part B: Presentation of Dashboard and questions from the manager

Construct the dashboard to be easy to read and interpret

Design the dashboard so it addresses the audience’s (FEC’s) question of whether electoral fraud is likely in the

2020 US election and provide brief commentary

Present aspects of the dashboard in a clear and engaging way and address the audience’s question about the likelihood of fraud in 2020

US election based on the data.

Communicate an answer to this question through diverse perspectives:

•   The Data Analyst will explain what data was available and the choice of charts

•   The Data Visualiser will explain overall design considerations

•   The Data Translator will explain aspects of the results in simple language

12 marks

10 marks

•  The Politician will have two minutes to ask questions relevant to the dashboard results and comment on the results

Class Interaction                       Engage the audience and take into account audience

2 marks

Class questions

Presentation Structure

background and motivation

Quality questions from other groups will be awarded at most 3 marks

Structure the presentations to be concise & their presentation should have a natural order, relevant findings and be directed at the target audience

3 marks

3 marks

Important Study Information

Academic Integrity Policy

KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism, and other academic offenses under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.

What is academic integrity and misconduct?

What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties?

How can I appeal my grade?

Click here for answers to these questions:

Word Limits for Written Assessments


Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.

Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.



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