Till a few years back, the only time when people talked about Australia was when they were choosing it as their next holiday destination. In fact, come to think of it, the moment we hear Australia, we picture the Great Barrier Reef, koala bears, and the Sydney Opera House. Australia as a city has always been hot on the list of backpackers and travelers; however, recently it has also become a city known for the quality of education.


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Australia has slowly become the third most popular destination for international students when it comes to education. Henceforth it is no surprise that the percentage of education tourism has peaked within the last few years. The reason why this has happened is because of the cultural diversity found here, the friendly nature of the residents, and definitely the high quality of education.

When seeking a good education, what are the few things that parents demand? They want the courses to be right and appropriate for the current trends of the generation. They also want the universities/colleges/schools to be recognized by the governing bodies of that particular county. And, most of all they want a safe and nurturing environment so that their children can study and prosper. Probably, a safe and balanced mix of all these requirements has made Australia so popular when it comes to education tourism. Maybe this fact will only confirm the above-stated information.


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Australian Department of Education and Training (DET)

According to the Australian Department of Education and Training (DET), Australia hit a new record with a total enrolment of 624,000 foreign students in 2017.  Of this huge number, 44% were students coming in for higher education and 3% came for secondary school education.

Majority of the international students who step into the land down under for education purposes study either in the universities and college, followed by those who go there to opt for Vocational and Educational Training (VET) and lastly for English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) sector.


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Australian Education System is Leading Global Education

Australia is now a leading global education powerhouse that offers 22,000 different courses housed under the roof of 1,100 institutions. One of the reasons why so many international students choose Australia as their educational home is also because $200,000,000 is the amount that the government invests annually on international scholarships. If all these facts are not prompting you already here is the icing on the cake! Australian Universities feature in the top 50 ranked universities in the world in the following study areas:

  • Art and HumanitiesÂ
  • Clinical, pre-clinical, and health
  •   Engineering and technologyÂ
  •   Life SciencesÂ
  •   Physical SciencesÂ
  •   Social Sciences


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Earlier we said that what makes Australia popular amongst the students is the quality of the education that is provided there. This fact is reiterated when you find out that 5 out of 30 best student cities in the world are in Australia.  Each year almost 2.5 million international students complete their education from the finest universities and schools in Australia and later go on to make some sort of a difference.

On the whole, the education system in Australia is very sorted and simple. It provides Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary education. To keep the process very simple and to be able to provide teachers who know their scope of work, the education system has been streamlined indigenously.

  •   Primary school is for students starting from Kindergarten to year 6 or 7
  •   The secondary school runs for year 8 to 10
  •   Senior Secondary school runs for the students of year

The above-mentioned bifurcation ensures that students get a strong base and are able to decide what fields they want to stick to once they graduate from high school. As per the Australian education system post, high school the phase of education is called ‘tertiary education’. Tertiary education includes college and university level studies along with Vocational Education and Training (VET).


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Education System in Australia

The entire education system in Australia is guided by the framework put together by the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). This is the single body that covers qualifications from the tertiary education sector to the primary and secondary ones too. The best part of studying in a system guided by a singular type of framework is that all the institutes are linked across, which makes it easy for the student to move throughout the education system.


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When a student seeks education they want it to be of the best quality. They want a system that recognizes all the hard work they put in, but most of all they wish for an education system that is just and equal. The Australian educational system is strongly backed by a legislature that constantly promotes and assures equal education which is of the best and superior most quality. What makes it easier for international students to survive is the allowance that they get to work for up to 20 hours a week. This opportunity gives them the ability to earn money along with pursuing their education.


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So, if you are a student who seeks to be in the best city which gives you the best education and life experiences, head out to the city down under – head out to Australia today! And once you are there, if you need help with your major assignment work to help you excel in academics, you know your search will end at My Best Assignment Help. My Best Assignment Help offers some of the best and experienced assignment writers to handle every assignment writing needs.



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