Assessment 1: Business Communication Skills Exercises

Students are required to consistently attend and actively participate in class. Students will be assessed through individual and group in-class exercises in oral and written communications.The detailed brief is on pages 6-7 of this document.



Assessment 2: Essay Question (2,000 words)

In this assignment, students will be required to demonstrate an understanding of communications theory and the importance of effective communications within an organizational context. Detailed essay question and brief is on page 8-9 of this document

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Assessment 3: Group Report

Group report Due Date 25th of May

In small groups of 4-5, students are required to examine and analyze the effectiveness of communication in a specific organizational context. A detailed brief is on page 10-11 of this document

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Assessment 1: Business Communication Skills

For assessment 1, students are required to consistently attend and actively participate in class. Students will be assessed through individual and group in-class exercises in oral and written communications. These exercises will take place during the tutorial segment of each class.

From Weeks 1-5 students will develop their understanding of communication and skills in report writing through practical in-class exercises. Hence, will be required to relate these to:

SLO C: Identify key communication issues in organizations

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SLO F: Analyse and explain how to develop effective written and oral communication skills

The following four assessment tasks are shown below but please note that the first assessment will start in Week 1 and will occur on allocated weeks until week 11 throughout the semester.

Exercise 1 (5%)

Complete Academic Integrity Unit with a minimum 80% result. You will be allowed to have five attempts at achieving this result. This exercise will be followed through in your own time from Week 1 and the deadline for completion is Week 4, Sunday, 16th of AugustIf you do not complete this unit by the deadline you will receive zero.

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Exercise 2 (5%)

In Week 4 session, you will be assessed on your workplace communication writing skills. You will be given an organizational context where you have to write an email. The email could be an instruction, announcement, transmittal, or authorization email. There will be examples of these types of emails on moodle for review. Your email must communicate the current workplace issue with appropriate formatting, writing style, and clear language. The focus of this exercise is assessing your level of written communication skills. This exercise must be completed in class. Hence, if you are not present for this assessment you will receive zero.

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Exercise 3 (10%)

In Week 6, a group report plan will be submitted Friday, 30th of August, 11.59 pm, This plan will include the following:

  1. Completed introduction and background of your chosen organization
  2. A brief discussion of the chosen organization’s communication strategy/system is evident from the organization’s website.
  3. A ‘word’ template of your group report with headings including Executive Summary, Introduction, Communication Strategy, Identification of Communication Issue, Analysis of Communication Issue, Recommendations and Reference List (The Executive Summary, Identification of Communication Issue, analysis, recommendations, and reference list sections may be left blank)

*Please note you are being assessed on the progress of your report and your document is a ‘live’ document with more information being added as you progress throughout the semester.

Exercise 4 (10%)

In Week 11 Session, there will be an online quiz on Communication concepts and theory. If you are not present for this assessment you will receive zero. Review Required Readings from Weeks 1 and 2 and 6 for the Quiz

Assessment 2: Essay (Individual) (2,000 words) – Due Date Friday, 11th of September (11.59 pm)

In this assignment, students will be required to demonstrate an understanding of communications theory and the importance of effective communications within an organizational context.

Essay Question:

Discuss how leadership communication may impact organizational performance in the context of change management due to globalization? Please draw upon Communication theory and use examples to support your claims.


General advice

The question asks you to discuss the statement. This means that you need to consider all of the views in the academic literature on this topic (leadership communication) and, on the basis of the evidence, draw on conclusion as to whether you agree or disagree. You will find helpful advice on how to answer an essay that requires you to ‘discuss’ in the WIN Essay Writing Guide, which is on this Moodle site. In addition, this guide will give you very useful advice on how to organize your ideas, how to organize and structure your written answer, and how to use your own ‘voice’ and avoid potential plagiarism issues. Please read through the guide before you start on the essay.

The main issues in the essay are set out in topic 6.  Please draw upon the  Ruben & Gigliotti reading on Moodle which is a good place to start, as it will give you a good idea of the key issues and the different approaches to them. It will give you some key points to use in your literature research on the topic.

In order to demonstrate a full knowledge of the theoretical issues, you will need to read at least 6-8 quality academic references. Academic references include both textbooks and academic journal articles but more engagement with journal articles will demonstrate a deeper engagement with subject theory. The best way to find academic journal articles is to use the library database which is available to all students on moodle. Simply typing in keywords from the question will bring up a selection of relevant journal article which are available online.

Due date: Friday 11th of September(by 11.55 p.m.)

Length: 2000 words

Submission details: Upload your completed essay electronically by clicking onto the Essay Upload tab in the General Information section of the Moodle site.

Advice on submission: Please complete the first draft of your case study at least 24 hours prior to the due date and upload it. You will receive a report from the site on the extent to which any sections of your answer ‘match’ either published material or other student assignments. Take this as an opportunity to revise your answer and resubmit – the section in the Essay Writing Guide on the use of ‘voice’ in academic writing will be of assistance. If you do not upload a first draft well in advance of the cut off time you will not have the opportunity to make any changes

Marking Criteria – Please refer to the marking template on page 9


Student Learning Outcomes:

SLO A: Understand communication theory and its implications for individual and organizational performance;

SLO B: Compare the relative importance of the factors contributing to effective organizational communication;

SLO C: Identify and analyze key communication issues in organizations;

SLO D: Critically evaluate the importance of communications in organizational change management;

Assessment 3:  Group Report

Group Case Study report (40%) — Due Date Week 13, Friday, 16th of October (11.59 pm)

In small groups (4-5maximum) students are required to examine and analyze the effectiveness of communication in a specific organizational context.

General Advice:

In small groups of 4-5 students, you are required to identify an organization in the public domain and analyze the nature, implications, and effectiveness of its public communications. In particular, you are asked to utilize relevant theory in your report to:

  1. Identify the implications of the organization’s public communications for individual performance;
  2. Identify the implications of the organization’s public communications for organizational performance;
  3. Compare the effectiveness of various factors contributing to the effectiveness of organizational communication evident including design, aesthetics, and narrative;
  4. Identify the key communication issues in this particular organization;
  5. Assess the role of evident communications in advancing an organizational change management strategy.


Report structure must include the following headings:

Executive Summary, Introduction, Communication Strategy, Identification of Communication Issue, Analysis of Communication Issue, Recommendations, Conclusion, and Reference List

All reports must be submitted onto moodle as a ‘word’ document and content should be consistently supported with linkage to relevant quality academic sources.

Student Learning Outcomes

SLO A:  Understand communication theory and its implications for individual and organizational performance;

SLO B:  Compare the relative importance of the factors contributing to effective organizational      communication;

SLO C:  Identify and analyze key communication issues in organizations;

SLO D:  Critically evaluate the importance of communications in organizational change management;

SLO E: Develop realistic and logical recommendations to communication issues identified in the organizational context;

SLO F:  SLO F: Analyse and explain how to develop effective written and oral communication skills

Marking Criteria – Please refer to the marking template on page 11




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