Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T3 2019
Unit Code BN303
Unit Title Wireless Networks and Security
Assessment Type Group Submission
Assessment Title Secured design of wireless LAN
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of the assignment is to design a secured wireless LAN. Students will be able to complete the following ULOs: d. Apply wireless network security techniques in the context of ethical implications; e. Design and implement secure enterprise wireless networks.
Weight 20%
Total Marks 50
Word limit Minimum 1500 – Maximum 2000
Submission due 28/01/2020
Submission Guidelines All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font, and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.
Extension If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted on AMS.  You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at:–procedures–and–guidelines/specialconsiderationdeferment
Academic Misconduct    Academic Misconduct is a serious offense. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.


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Assignment Description:

Design and implementation of wireless LAN for a small campus

Wireless networks are difficult to manage and secure due to the diverse nature of components and open availability of standards compared to the wired network. Nowadays, their several security practices expected to illustrate why there is a need to implement security tools in WLAN under different attacks. There are high possibilities that unauthorized users may be received access to the network within the range of Wireless Network. The organization needs to secure its WLAN to ensure business safety and customer protection.

In this project, we want to install the WLAN services on a small campus with a limited number of users. It is necessary to consider the possibility of all attacks from unauthorized users in a wireless network environment. The internal network can be further secured to provide access to authorized staff members only with high security.  To facilitate internet access to students in different classrooms, libraries, and/or cafeterias, we may implement WLAN in such a way Internet access is available to any user (without authentication).

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You can find a set of tools such as WAP or WAP2 used for providing high-quality network security. The tools help you to protect the network with a large coverage area.

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We need to discover different types of IEEE802.11a/b/g/n wireless networks within range in real-time. The tools need to provide information about the network like name, SSID, security strength, source type, and basic address of the network. The security ensures the authentication of users in WLAN and the users on the wired network. We recommended doing it by deploying IEEE802.11x authentication that provides authentication for devices trying to connect with other devices on LANs or wireless LANs.

The main objective of this assignment is to implement the IEEE 802.1X standard for security over wireless LAN authentications for a campus with a limited number of users.

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Best practices for deploying 802.1X should start with a well thought out plan that includes, but is not limited to, the following considerations:

  • Give your proposed WLAN design for the campus. How can you secure your designed network from all kinds of attacks using the WPA or WPA2 technique? Consider the network design with devices that support 802.1X
  • Give a single and unified solution IEEE 802.11x network Protection-capable Management Frames that uses the existing security mechanisms rather than creating a new security scheme.
  • You need to deploy a secure 802.1X of any suitable (maybe Cisco and Xirrus) wireless network to serve 300 users of University A. Keep in mind that their challenges are to find a solution that best eased their deployment, device authentication, and troubleshooting tools, and supported their diverse mix of user devices and multi-vendor network equipment. After careful evaluation, you observed that the AAA/NAC platform supports multi-vendor environments. Deploy a solution that supports all existing infrastructure and works in multi-vendor environments. For user configuration support, use a solution that supports multiple operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.

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Design the network as specified in the above scenario from scratch. You have to submit a group report and specify each group member’s contribution on the front page. You should address the following tasks in your report:

For this assignment, you need to complete the following tasks:

  • Design the wireless network of campus A according to the given specifications in the given case study (Diagrams can be designed using MS Visio or any other available network design software (including Cisco Packet Tracer)).
  • Establish network security by using WAP or WAP2.
  • List the security requirements for the wired network and wireless network of campus A stated in the case study (consider the different security requirements for Internal vs DMZ).
  • Provide an 802.1x authentication mechanism required a wireless network according to the wired network of the Report. Furthermore, the network security management mechanism for further solutions should be based on the existing security scheme.
  • Configure the necessary WLAN and WLAN security in a simulated network environment (attach pieces of evidence with screenshots or otherwise).

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All group members:

Write the report with detailed steps that explains all the solutions and implement the IEEE802.11x security demonstration using WAP or WAP2 (in the demonstration you need to consider how a user connects to the WLAN through the access point). Also, give the plan to extend the network for more users using multiple access points.

Write a report that includes the following sections: an abstract, introduction that contains a brief history, network components, etc., proposed solution along with the figure, demonstration of implementations on simulated environments, your future recommendations, and conclusions.

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Marking criteria:

Marks are allocated as indicated on each question, taking the following aspects into account:

Note: The marking criteria vary for each assignment

Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks
Abstract Aims and objectives of this report 5
Introduction History of WLAN, network components, and outline of the report. 10
Analyze Analyze the problem of providing security of the above campus network using WAP or WAP2 10
Design/Implementation Create a design part of the proposed solution with a suitable diagram and implement it on a simulated network environment, e.g. Cisco packet tracker 10
Evaluation/justification Evaluate your proposed solutions and write a justification for your evaluation 5
Conclusion Briefly summarised the outcomes of the work using 2/3 sentences. 5
Reference style Follow IEEE reference style 5
Total 50

Example Marking Rubric for Assignment #: Total Marks 50

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Note: The marking rubrics vary for each assignment

Grade Mark HD 40-50 DI 35-44 CR 30-34 P 25-29 Fail <25
  Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Abstract   /5 Clearly written the goal of the work Soundly written the goal of the work Usually written the goals Briefly presented the goals Did not mention the goal
Introduction   /10 All topics are pertinent and covered in depth.  Ability to think critically and source material is demonstrated Topics are relevant and soundly analyzed. Generally relevant and analyzed. Some relevance and briefly presented. This is not relevant to the assignment topic.
Analyse   /10 Logic is clear with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Mostly consistent logical and convincing Adequate cohesion and conviction The argument is not clearly stated
Design   /10 All elements are present with the required diagram. Components present cohesively Components present and mostly well integrated Most components present Poor proposed design.
Evaluate/justification     /5 Excellent comparison is made throughout this section.  Outstanding execution is made Evaluate in a very good way Good effort to evaluate but a limited comparison A little bit of effort for comparison through a web search. A poor attempt to justify
Conclusion   /5 Summarised the concept logically with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Good presentation of the summary Moderate summary of the work. Failed to summarise the work.
Reference style   /5 Excellent reference style according to IEEE and most are relevant and recent Good reference according to IEEE but some are old Adequate reference most are old A mix of reference style and old Error in the reference style according to IEEE and majority are irrelevant.

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