HC1062 Decision making and problem-solving

Final Tutorial Assignment Questions Due: 11:59 pm 13th  October 2020

Weighting:  50%

Total Marks: 50 marks

Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this HC1062 unit

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Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed:

In your business career, you will face many decisions. This subject examines the techniques available for undertaking research, analyzing data, identifying alternatives, making choices, and formulating recommendations.

Research that is well planned and well-executed can improve the quality of business decisions. This subject will explore the alternatives available for undertaking research and equip students with the skills required to manage effective research projects.

Description:  Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty.   These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on  Blackboard.  The  Interactive  Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process,  skills, and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions.   Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions for weeks  2,  3,  4,  5,  8, and  11  and submit these answers in a single MS word document.

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Requirements: Please note all questions are compulsory. Furthermore, it is important when you answer the questions, you do not just copy and paste the answers from other sources, but rather, try to paraphrase it and provide 2 – 5 references (in-text referencing) per question. Where the word limit is not specified, you are required to write in between 200-300 words.

The questions to be answered are;

Question 1 (Week 2 Tutorial)

Discuss in about 300 words the Hierarchy of the information-based business decision-makers. Which level has the best chance of success and why? (7 marks)

Question 2 (Week 3 Tutorial)

The business research process involves a series of steps that systematically investigate a problem facing the organization.  Select one example of a business problem and in about 500 words, discuss the sequence of steps that can be followed to conduct the business research to help in decision making. (11 marks)

Question 3 (Week 4 Tutorial)

Case studies usually involve an in-depth and detailed examination of a particular case and are widely used in exploratory investigations.  Describe in detail the three major types of asymmetrical causal relationships. Provide a relevant example for each type (7 marks)

Question 4 (Week 5 Tutorial)

Qualitative data collection takes many forms but interviewing and observing are among the most frequently used.  Describe in detail the different interview formats used in the gathering of qualitative data. Provide relevant examples of the scenarios where each format is more appropriate. (7 marks)

Question 5 (Week 8 Tutorial)

Differentiate the following set of terms in relation to the evaluation of the measurement tools. Provide relevant examples. (7 marks)

a)   Validity, Reliability, and Practicality b)   Content, Construct and Criterion

Question 6 (Week 11 Tutorial)

a) Select an appropriate graph to present the data in the table below. Briefly explain your graph highlighting the keys points between 2019 and 2020 (Hint: Use MS Excel to produce the selected graph).  (6 marks)


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All arrivals to Australia in April 2019 and in April


Country of citizenship                    Apr-19         Apr-20

New Zealand                                   163,130            1,180

India                                                   53,450               990

UK                                                     83,960               530

Philippines                                         23,070               360

China                                               132,360               320

Pakistan                                               4,780               280

Indonesia                                           17,870               270

Germany                                            17,900               220

Malaysia                                            36,670               220

USA                                                   63,270               200

Australian Bureau of



b) Briefly explain the meaning of the following terms. Provide at least one relevant example (5 marks)

•     Central limit theorem

•     Confidence interval

•     Confidence level

•     Interval estimate

•     Point estimate



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