DUE DATE AND TIME:           Week 9, 17 January 2019 Friday, 11:59 PM

PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 30% (25% – Report; 5% – Video Presentation)

WORD LIMIT:                      3000 words

HURDLE DETAILS:                   Not applicable

GROUP SIZE:                       3-4 students

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Learning Outcome Details

Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)
ULO 2: Develop the business case to motivate an IT investment for organizations GLO1:Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO2: Communication GLO4: Critical thinking
ULO3: Appraise, critically analyze, and communicate the business value potential of emerging information technologies in organizations. GLO1:Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO4: Critical thinking


Assessment Description

Purpose of Assessment task 2 MIS782 Valued of Information

You take the role of a team of IS consultants and prepare a report for Facebook in which you should provide recommendations about how Facebook can make use of emerging technologies to enhance its current operations to gain further competitive advantage.

Your recommendation should be embedded in a business case, which will outline the details of two alternative solutions for this investment in emerging technology. Your team should also create a video presentation for your report in which you will pitch your recommendations to Facebook.

MIS782 Valued of Information
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Requirements of Assessment task 2 MIS782 Valued of Information

In an era of digital disruption and a highly competitive environment, organizations have to constantly innovate their products and services to offer value to their customers to stay relevant. Facebook is no different. Facebook has been accelerating Innovation and powering new experiences with AI (Artificial Intelligence). Mark Zuckerberg shared Facebook’s 10-year roadmap for connecting the world through technology like augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and innovations in connectivity.

Based on this vision, your job is to present a business case for investing in new user experiences using AI-based technologies.

Note the business case for investment in AI-based new user experience should meet two criteria: The AI-driven investment should be based upon/utilize data and analytics.

The AI-driven investment should generate business value returns and improve organizational performance (e.g. cost savings, revenue generation, increased customer satisfaction)

This report should be 3000 words (excluding the references and appendices). The supplementary video presentation to your report should be less than 5 minutes long. Groups of 3-4 students should be formed.

Below you can find a detailed description of the required sections for this report:

  • Proposed initiative title: Give your business case a title.
  • Executive Summary (~300 words): In this section, you need to briefly describe the AI-based data-driven investment that you are proposing that will return business value for Facebook. You should also briefly articulate the alternatives, recommendations, and high-level implementation plan. The executive summary is the most important component of a business case.
  • Business opportunity (~400 words): The purpose of a business case is to show how an IT investment can create business value for an organization. In this section, describe the business opportunity in the AI-based new user experience that will return business value for Facebook (e.g. create a new product or service, improve customer service, improve communication, create or strengthen relationships with suppliers, customers, or partners).
  • Build your argument to show why Facebook should invest in this technology. Discuss threats and the state of the online information-based industry that Facebook operates to build your argument. Support your arguments with reference whenever possible.
  • Business & IT alignment and Measurable organizational value (MOV) (~400 words): To provide real value to an organization, IT projects must align with and support the organization’s goals, mission, and objectives. Therefore, any recommended IT investment and alternatives must have a clearly defined purpose and must map to the goals and strategy of the organization.
  • In this section, first briefly mention Facebook’s business model and its goals, mission, and objectives. State how the new investment aligns with Facebook’s long-term strategy and current business model. Then define the IT investment’s overall goal/objectives and measure of success as measurable organizational value (MOV).
  • Identify alternatives (~400 words): In this section, identify two alternative solutions/ways of implementing the new AI and data-driven new user experience investment you are proposing.
  • Analyze the alternatives (~800 words): For each alternative carry out detailed critical analysis for the following areas.
    • Feasibility
    • Benefits
    • Costs (broad-brush figures, but the understanding of different types of costs are important)
    • Risks (risk register and matrix)
  • Select the best alternative/recommendation and rationale (~200 words): In this section, build your argument by carrying out some form of comparison among the alternative options to justify


your recommendation. The comparison can be a qualitative assessment. Your recommendation should focus largely on the potential impact (e.g., reduction of costs, streamlining user processes, improving customer service) of the chosen IT investment.

  • High-level Implementation plan (~400 words): In this section, identify a high-level implementation plan into phases. Describe each phase briefly and identify deliverables/milestones, resources needed timeline, and expected level of benefit (as linked to MOV).
  • Conclusion (~100 words): In this section, you should conclude by restating your recommendations and elaborating how the proposed AI and data-driven new user experience will enable business value returns for competitive advantage.
  • References: References and citations showing the source of all the information in the report need to be provided (Harvard referencing style). The references used must demonstrate thorough research using quality references such as journal articles, book sections, conference papers, and industry reports with good evidence to support your arguments in the sections above.
  • Details on referencing can be found at http://www.deakin.edu.au/current-students/study-support/study- skills/handouts/ideas.php
  • Appendices: In this section, you should place figures or tables that illustrate or summarize your key points from the recommendations section.
  • Further resources for research: MIS782 reading list has further useful readings
  • https://rl.talis.com/3/deakin/lists/488E6A71-9CBC-184D-0CFE-AC1DFD58A2DA.html

MIS782 unit help guide with tips on how to search for related references

  • https://deakin.libguides.com/c.php?g=558237&p=6651697

Video presentation

The video presentation should provide a summary of your business case. This should be treated as a “pitching” exercise. The aim is to sell your business case proposal to the management of Facebook. The presentation should be less than 5 minutes long and must include all team members to pitch the key points of the report. The presentation will be assessed on: communication, teamwork, expert use of diagrams, figures, tables, titles, and text.

The choice of tool and method of the video presentation is up to each group. You will have to deliver the video presentation on week 9 during your respective seminar. You may like to upload an MP4 file in CloudDeakin. If the file is too big, you may alternately use other available methods of submission (e.g. YouTube/Vimeo upload, DeakinAir, Google drive link, etc.).


Useful Resources on Facebook

  • Facebook Innovation Newsroom

– https://newsroom.fb.com/news/category/innovation/

  • Facebook’s current vision for AI-driven innovation

– https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2016/11/accelerating-innovation-and-powering-new- experiences-with-ai

  • Facebook’s long-term road-map


  • Facebook’s revenue model

– https://fourweekmba.com/how-does-facebook-make-money/

  • Facebook’s business model

– https://businessmodelinnovationmatters.wordpress.com/tag/facebook-business-model/

Formation of groups

You are required to work in groups of 3 or 4. Once you have organized who is in your group, you will need to enroll in a group for yourself. To access and enroll in a group, click on the following link:


To enroll into a group please liaise with your group members and pick an empty group to enroll into. Do NOT join a group randomly nor without seeking the original group member’s permissions.

Please note: You MUST enroll into a group by 13 December 2019.

If you have NOT enrolled into a group by this date, the Unit Teaching team will place you in a group, and no discussion will be entered into to transfer into another group. The Unit Teaching Team’s allocation is final.


Submission Instructions

  • The report must be one (1) single file. The assignment should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document named after one of the group members FirstName_LastName_GroupNumber (e.g. Peter_Jones_Group2.docx). Only one submission per group required.
  • Group Contribution Form must also be attached as the last page of your assignments. (Assessments without this form will not be assessed).

You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit until the marked assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit your backup copy.


Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.

MIS782 When you are required to submit an assignment through your CloudDeakin unit site, you will receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment dropbox folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission.


  • Penalties for late submission: The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension: 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days, and work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked. You will receive 0% for the task. ‘Day’ means working day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions. The Unit Chair may refuse to

accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date.

  • For more information about academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the document Your rights and responsibilities as a student in this Unit in the first folder next to the Unit Guide of the Resources area in the CloudDeakin unit site.
  • Assessment Feedback: Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin within 18 business days from the due date.
  • Building evidence of your experiences, skills, and knowledge (Portfolio) – Building a portfolio that evidences your skills, knowledge and experience will provide you with a valuable tool to help you prepare for interviews and to showcase to potential employers. There are a number of tools that you can use to build a portfolio. You are provided with cloud space through OneDrive, or through the Portfolio tool in the Cloud Unit Site, but you can use any storage repository system that you like.
  • Remember that a Portfolio is YOUR tool. You should be able to store your assessment work, reflections, achievements, and artifacts in YOUR Portfolio. Once you have completed this assessment piece, add it to your personal Portfolio to use and showcase your learning later, when applying for jobs, or further studies. Curate your work by adding meaningful tags to your artifacts that describe what the artifact represents.


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Business Case (Group Report) ASSESSMENT TASK 2 rubric

Glos N (0-29) N (30-49) P (50-59) C (60-69) D (70-79) HD (80-100)
GLO1, 2, & 4 0.73 marks 1.96 marks 2.7 marks 3.23 marks 3.7 marks 4.5 marks
Executive summary and business opportunity Analysis   The report has not been presented in a manner that meets the academic standards and requirements.   The report demonstrates little/no knowledge of business opportunities effectively illustrating value returns, MOV, and alignment with the business. Clearly, there is limited knowledge of the organization.   Adequate overview of the analysis but is somewhat generic. Adequate knowledge of business opportunity effectively illustrating value returns, MOV, and alignment with business, but is somewhat unclear or not justified in many places.   A good overview of the analysis, but lacking depth in places of knowledge of business opportunity effectively illustrating value returns, MOV, and alignment with business, but needs not consistently well justified.   Mostly advanced (very specific, detailed, expert) overview of the analysis. Most advanced use of knowledge of business opportunity effectively illustrating value returns, MOV and alignment with the business.   Outstanding (very specific, detailed, expert) overview of the analysis. Outstanding use of knowledge of business opportunities effectively illustrating value returns, MOV, and alignment with the business.
(5 marks) (0 – 1.45 marks) (1.5 – 2.45 marks) (2.5 – 2.95 marks) (3 – 3.45 marks) (3.5 – 3.95 marks) (4 – 5 marks)
GLOs N (0-29) N (30-49) P (50-59) C (60-69) D (70-79) HD (80-100)
GLO 1, 2 & 4 2 marks 5.9 marks 8.2 marks 9.7 marks 11.2 marks 13 marks
Quality of Alternatives, Recommendation, and Implementation Plan   The report has not been presented in a manner that meets the academic standards and requirements.   Very little evidence of strategic thinking. There are no or limited elements of Presents an analysis, interpretation of proposed alternatives, recommended solution, and implementation plan. No feasibility and risks. There is very little value in the business case.   Adequate evidence of applied strategic thinking, but too generic in the application. Presentation and interpretation of proposed alternatives including feasibility and risks are not grounded in evidence. Recommendations and Implementation plan is present but is not convincing with company’s future direction.   Good evidence of applied strategic thinking. Presents a coherent analysis, interpretation of proposed alternatives including feasibility and risks. Recommended solutions and implementation plans are based on the analysis of the company’s future direction. However, the report is not consistent throughout for one or more of these areas.   Mostly demonstrates advanced clarity of applied strategic thinking. Presents a coherent analysis, interpretation, and prediction of proposed alternatives and recommended solutions. Recommended solution and implementation plan is firmly based on the analysis of the company’s future direction.   Outstanding clarity of applied strategic thinking. Presents a clear and coherent analysis, interpretation of proposed alternatives including feasibility and risks. Recommended solution and implementation plan is creative and firmly based on both analyses of the company’s future direction.
(15 marks) (0 – 4.4 marks) (4.5 – 7.4 marks) (7.5 – 8.9 marks) (9.0 – 10.4 marks) (10.5 – 11.9 marks) (12 – 15 marks)


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Glos N (0-29) N (30-49) P (50-59) C (60-69) D (70-79) HD (80-100)
GLO2 0.73 marks 1.96 marks 2.7 marks 3.23 marks 3.7 marks 4.5 marks
Clarity of written argument and report structure   The report has not been presented in a manner that meets the academic standards and requirements.   No referencing.   The inadequate argument in the report because it the argument is unclear, lacks flow and logic, and unnecessarily verbose.   Little references are provided to support arguments.   The adequate argument in the report, but mostly lacks clarity, brevity, and/or logical flow in many places.   Some references are provided to support arguments.   Good argument through most of the report, but lacks clarity and brevity in a few places in the report, and/or sometimes does not flow in a logical manner.   Satisfactory references are provided to support arguments.   Mostly expert (clear, concise, convincing, logical flow) argument used throughout the report.   More than adequate references are provided to support arguments.   Expert (clear, concise, convincing, logical flow) argument used throughout the report.   Excellent references are provided to support arguments.
(5 Marks) (0 – 1.45 marks) (1.5 – 2.45 marks) (2.5 – 2.95 marks) (3 – 3.45 marks) (3.5 – 3.95 marks) (4 – 5 marks)
GLO 2 & 4 0.73 marks 1.96 marks 2.7 marks 3.23 marks 3.7 marks 4.5 marks
Quality of Video Presentation   The video presentation has not been executed in a manner that meets the academic standards and requirements.   Inadequate use of diagrams, figures, tables, titles, and text in the video presentation to pitch the key points of the report.   Adequate use of diagrams, figures, tables, titles, and text in the video presentation to pitch the key points of the report.   Good use of diagrams, figures, tables, titles, and text in the video presentation to pitch the key points of the report.   Mostly expert use of diagrams, figures, tables, titles, and text in the video presentation to pitch the key points of the report.   Expert use of diagrams, figures, tables, titles, and text in the video presentation to pitch the key points of the report.
(5 marks) (0 – 1.45 marks) (1.5 – 2.45 marks) (2.5 – 2.95 marks) (3 – 3.45 marks) (3.5 – 3.95 marks) (4 – 5 marks)

