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SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service practices Assessment 1 – Short Answer Questions Assessment 2 – Case Study Assessment 3 – Project
Student Name
Student ID
Group ID:


This Assessment Cover Sheet outlines the requirements for assessment submission at ATI. Before any assessment/s can be accepted/marked by your trainer, this document must be signed for each unit completed.

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Student Name:       Group ID: Student ID/Email Address:
Trainer Name:   Unit of Competence: SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service practices

Student Agreement:

By signing this Agreement, I confirm that I have read the Assessment Submission Guidelines, as detailed in the Unit Assessment Agreement. In particular:

  • The work submitted is my own and does not contain another person’s work represented as my own. I understand that academic dishonesty is a breach of the Code of Conduct and could lead to cancellation. I understand that I must acknowledge in an appropriate manner all information and sources of assistance used in my assessments.
  • If my trainer believes that my assessment has been plagiarised, then he/she must collect all evidence and refer the matter to the Training Coordinator and Student Support Coordinator.
  • I have followed all submission, presentation and file name guidelines outlined in the Unit Assessment Agreement. I am aware that if I don’t follow required guidelines, this could result in my assessments being returned unmarked and/or fees being incurred.
  • I understand that I must not receive undue assistance or the unauthorised help of others in the preparation of my assessment work.
  • I will not allow other students to access or copy any of my assessment work.
  • I understand that if I am not satisfied with my assessment result, I have the right to appeal within 30 working days of receiving a result. (The Complaints and Appeals Process is available on the ATI website

Student Declaration:

I hereby declare that I have read the above statement and that all the materials I submit for assessments are entirely my own and meet all of ATI’s assessment requirements.

Student Signature:   Date:

All assessments must be uploaded onto Didasko for marking.


Assessment One (1): Outcome
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Resubmission Date:
Assessment Two (2): Outcome
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Resubmission Date:
Assessment Three (3): Outcome
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Resubmission Date:
Trainer’s Feedback:
Trainer’s Name:
Trainer’s Signature: Date:
Students please note: Your Trainer will upload your feedback on your performance, including where gaps are identified on to Didasko. Please ensure you regularly login to your student Didasko account to check this information. All decisions, including Assessments Outcomes can be appealed. For more information please refer to our Complaints and Appeals Policy (available from Student Services team or via our website).
Student Name       Student ID      
Qualification Code and Name      
Trainer Name      

This Unit Assessment Agreement (UAA) includes information about your obligations as an International student under the National VET Regulator Act 2011 (NVR Act 2011) and the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act 2000), to ensure you meet your visa requirements for Course Progress (meeting your course assessment requirements) and Participation (meeting the minimum course contact hours of 20 Hours per week).

Australian Tertiary Institute (ATI) as a Nationally Registered Training Organisation, and an approved CRICOS Provider, is required to monitor and manage each International student’s course progress and participation in accordance with the Standards for RTOs, 2015, and the National Code 2018.

Student are required to read and sign this UAA document to confirm they have received a copy and a briefing from the ATI representative regarding their Assessment Due Date Requirements for the Unit of competence as shown below.

Part 1 – Unit Outline

Subject/Cluster or Unit Code and Name      
Trainer Name      
Trainer Email                                   
Student Support Email

Part 2 – Assessment Agreement and Due Dates

Trainer is to confirm the approved ATI  Assessment Method for each assessment activity from the below:  –     Written/Knowledge         –    Case Study        –    Role Play        –     Project       –    Demonstration/Observation
Assessment No. Assessment Name Assessment Method Assessment Due Date
Assessment 1 KA1 Written/Knowledge      
Assessment 2 KA2 Written/Knowledge      
Assessment 3 KA3 Written/Knowledge      
Assessment 4 KA3 Written/Knowledge      
Assessment 5 CS1 Case Study      
Assessment 6 P1 Project      
Assessment 7 P2 Project      
Assessment 8 WBT (Workplacement) Demonstration/Observation      
IMPORTANT NOTE: Under the Standards for RTO’s 2015, Australian Tertiary Institute has implemented assessment systems, policies and procedures to ensure Assessment is conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessments and Rules of Evidence.  Please go to the ASQA – Users’ guide to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 located at  or refer to the ATI  Student Handbook for more information regarding  the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence.

Student Acknowledgement
Students are to complete this acknowledgement section to confirm they have read and agree to the above Unit Assessment Agreement / Due dates:

Student Name       Student Signature       Date:      

Part 3 – ATI  Assessment Rules and Requirements

This UAA summaries the assessment rules and requirements that govern assessments conducted at Australian Tertiary Institute.

An ATI Trainer or representative will issue ATI students with an UAA at the commencement of each new unit of competence.  Students will be briefed by the ATI Trainer or Representative and will then be required to complete and sign their individual UAA – to confirm they have read and understand the rules and requirements within the Agreement.

Student assessments will not be accepted for marking without the student having completed and signed each relevant ATI UAA.

Once the UAA has been completed and signed by each relevant student, the ATI  trainer (or ATI  representative) will take a copy for ATI  retention on the students file, and the student will be provided a copy for their retention/future reference.

In accordance with the relevant NVR and ESOS Standards, ATI is required to retain all student assessment records for International students for a minimum period of 2 years.

Students must retain a copy of all assessment/s they have completed and submitted to the Trainer or ATI .  ATI  does not take responsibility for students lost or stolen assessments prior to their having been received in the ATI  allocated Assessment inbox or for assessments/correspondence that has not been sent by the student to the correct ATI  email address – as instructed and documented to all ATI  students.

ATI reserves the right to request any/all original assessment documentation from students at any time during and/or after a student has submitted an assessment.

Assessment Readiness

Students who have demonstrated that they have satisfactorily participated in scheduled classes will be deemed “Assessment Ready”, unless identified otherwise by the trainer or student.

Assessments are not to be accepted for marking from students who have been identified as not being “Assessment Ready”.

Assessment Authentication

All ATI  student assessments/evidence received by ATI  must be sufficiently authenticated – ATI  is to have processes and systems in place that provide evidence and/or confidence that the assessment/evidence received is the assessment and/or work of the actual enrolled student and that the enrolled student has submitted the assessment/evidence for marking.

ATI Authentication methods may include but are not limited to:

  • the inclusion of a student formal acknowledgement within the assessment document
  • restricting assessments to only being issued and received via the ATI allocated student email account
  • authentication questioning – where relevant trainers quiz students on work they have submitted – completed face to face, via telephone, and/or web chat program i.e Skype.

ATI assessment outcomes and/or results must show evidence of a least one Assessment Authentication method having been used or identified.

Note:  Students are encouraged to ask the ATI trainer or representative any questions they may have or seek clarification should the need to at any time during the UAA briefing process

SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality

Part 4 – Submitting of Assessment/s and Evidence

Students are required to ensure their completed assessments and/or evidence are always submitted by the student for marking to the relevant ATI Training Section Assessment Email address from the following email addresses only:

Students must ensure all assessments and/or evidence must include ALL of the following details:

  • Class Number
  • Student Name
  • Student ID Number
  • Unit Code
  • Assessment Number
  • Trainers Name
  • Date the student is submitting the assessment

For example:        C3B9_Singh_P123_SITXWHS0023_KA3_Leejo_02012020

NOTE:   Student assessments and/or evidence will not be accepted for marking if submitted using any other method.
In EXCEPTIONAL circumstances students may seek assistance from their relevant trainer to request written
approval from the Training coordinator.

Part 5 – Assessment Outcomes/Results and Feedback

Students who do not submit by the due date will be marked NC (not competent) and will be required to re-enrol in the unit and re-do the unit when it is offered again. Students whose assessment/s submitted have not achieved a “Satisfactory” outcome or “Competent” result, will receive a written response, feedback and guidance from their trainer via their ATI individual allocated student email account within two (2) weeks of the unit assessment Due Date.

The student is responsible for checking their ATI individual email account for their assessment outcomes and/or results on a regular basis. Students may also login to their allocated Student Portal (access via Australian Tertiary Institute website) to check for their assessment outcomes and/or results at any time.

Part 6 – Assessment Attempts and Fees

Students enrolled with ATI are provided up to three (3) attempts per assessment activity in attempting to achieve a Satisfactory assessment outcome. Students will then be offered and opportunity to re-enrol in the relevant unit/s that they have been unsuccessful in completing.

This may vary for each student depending on a student’s individual circumstances. Students’ progress is managed on a case-by-case basis and not on a one-fits-all approach. Please refer to the following related ATI policies/procedures for further assistance if required:

  • ATI Monitoring Student Progress and Participation policies and Procedures,
  • ATI Intervention Policy/Procedures
  • ATI Assessment Policy

Scheduled Assessment – Due Date as per UAA               (1st assessment attempt)                                                             No Fee Charged

Students are required to complete assessment activities and tasks in order to progress in their course/units of study – for each unit of competence, students are scheduled to complete the assigned and scheduled assessment activities – as agreed/signed in the individual ATI  UAA (1st assessment attempt) where a student does not achieve a “Satisfactory” outcome for a scheduled assessment activities or task, they will not be marked with an assessment outcome of “Competent”.

In these circumstances, the student will be provided with relevant and appropriate feedback, guidance and support from their Trainer in person and also written feedback via email on areas that require further action/response from the student and advised of the assessment activity outcome (eg: Not Competent, Did not Submit, or Did not Attend).

The Trainer will provide the student – in writing via the student email with an Assessment Re-submission (2nd attempt) – Due Date which is three days from the time the trainer returns the assessment to the student

The student’s initial assessment (1st assessment attempt) outcome will be recorded via the ATI Unit Assessment Register (UAR) by the trainer.

Re-Submission – Due Date Issued to Student in Writing                 (2nd assessment attempt)                        No Additional Fee Charged

Students who have not successfully achieved a “Competent” outcome for a scheduled Re-Submitted assessment
(2nd assessment attempt) activity or task, will not be marked with an assessment outcome of “Competent” against their scheduled assessment re-submission/2nd attempt. In these circumstances, the student will be provided relevant and appropriate feedback and guidance and support opportunities from their Trainer in person and via email on areas that require further action/response from the student and advised of the assessment activity outcome  (eg: Not Satisfactory, Did not Submit, or Did not Attend). The Student’s Re-Submission (2nd Assessment Attempt) outcome will be recorded via the ATI Competence Record Form (CRF) by the trainer.

The Trainer will then provide the student – in writing via email with a final Re-Assessment (3rd assessment attempt) opportunity

NOTE:   NO further assessment extensions will be available to students after the “Re-Assessment” opportunity.

In circumstances where a student has not successfully achieved a “Competent” assessment outcome/s in their Final 3rd assessment attempt, or the student failed to submit the relevant assessment/s by the allocated Due Date for marking, the student will be provided relevant and appropriate feedback and guidance and support opportunities from their Trainer in person and via email on areas that remain unsatisfactory (NC results recorded on UAR).

Students who have not achieved a “competent” outcome in all assessment requirement for a relevant unit of competence (for example a Business course) will receive an assessment result for the relevant unit of competence of “NC” (Not Competent)

Students who have not achieved a “competent” outcome in all assessment requirement for a relevant Unit of competence (for example a Commercial Cookery Course) will receive an assessment outcome for the relevant units of competence of “NC” (Not Competent)

Students who do not achieve a Competent “C” result for the relevant unit they are enrolled in OR an Assessment Outcome of Not Competent “NC” for the relevant units they are enrolled will be required to apply to Re-Enrol in the relevant unit/s that they have been deemed “NC”.  Fees for Re-Enrolment are available to the student via the ATI website, the Student Handbook, or via the Student Services /Reception Staff.


Fee Per Unit of Competence/Per Week = $440

Learning Support Sessions

Fee = $60 per hour**

ATI is committed to provide our students who are committed to their learning and academic goals with the most relevant and appropriate support and assistance. FREE support sessions are available to students however, students who demonstrate a low commitment to their class participation of course progress through a demonstration of poor participation and/or unsatisfactory progress may be required to pay a fee for additional or extra requested one to one tuition support from trainers.
** Fee per hour may differ depending on number of students in the session and on the individual student’s circumstances.

PLEASE NOTE: Students with poor class participation or unsatisfactory course progress due to medical or other compelling or compassionate circumstances (with evidence available to support circumstances) will not be required to pay the Re- Assessment Fees listed above. As each student is monitored and managed on a case-by-case basis they will be offered support and assistance when ATI are made aware or identify such circumstances with appropriate evidence provided.

Students must ensure that the evidence they submit as their assessment/work is their own, and/or where applicable, they have acknowledged in writing within the assessment evidence to the trainer the work of others (see reference guide below).

In an educational environment plagiarism is cheating and is considered as instances where a student acts dishonestly in misleading the Trainer in submitting evidence/ work that is not their own.

At the ATI, plagiarism is considered as a serious breach of the Australian Tertiary Institute’s Student Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated. Plagiarism and/or Cheating is defined as:

  • Submitting some or part of someone else’s work as your own (with or without that person’s permission)
  • using any part of someone else’s work without the proper acknowledgement, this may also breach copyright Laws
  • submitting an exact and/or partially duplicated assessment and/or evidence as your own
  • knowingly letting another student submit all or part of your work as their own
  • copying full or partial sentences and/or paragraphs from one or more sources
  • submitting substantial copies or extracts from books, articles, theses, unpublished work such as working papers, seminar and conference papers, internal reports, computer software, websites, lecture notes or tapes, without clearly indicating their source/origin
  • using notes, your mobile, input from others, or other unauthorised resources without permission
  • have one or more other people assist or contribute to your assessment/evidence submitted and represented (implicitly or explicitly) as being your own/individual work
  • stealing an assessment document or assessment guide/trainer guide from within ATI
  • imitation of a transcript or an idea;
  • Another person helping in the creation of an assessment/evidence without the express need, consensus, or knowledge of the Trainer
  • asking someone else to write and/or submit assessment work/evidence on your behalf
  • downloading from the internet and submitting the contents ‘as is’ and as your own work.

Where plagiarism and/or cheating has been identified within a students submitted assessment/evidence, ATI will contact the relevant student/s individually and invite them to an Intervention Meeting to discuss the findings, evidence and seek feedback from the student. In circumstances where plagiarism and/or cheating has been confirmed, one or more of the following actions, fees and penalties may apply:

1st offence:

  • written warning issued and student required to reenrol in the unit and re-do the unit when it is offered again

NOTE:   ATI trainers are required to report all instances of suspected plagiarism and/or cheating – this information and supporting evidence must be submitted to the Compliance Officer, Training Coordinator and Student Services Coordinator for further review and action where applicable.

Part 8 – Written Assessment Format Requirement/Guide

Students are to ensure that written assessment and supporting evidence are submitted using the following ATI written assessment format requirements.

Failure to submit assessments following ATI  formatting requirements may result in the student’s assessment/s and/or supporting evidence not being accessible to the student in order to meet the relevant assessment requirements, and/or that the ATI trainer may not have access and/or be in a position to interpret and/or mark the content of the student’s assessment and/or supporting evidence. This may result in the student not achieving a satisfactory outcome or competent result:


Font Type: Arial or Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Spacing: 1.5


Font: Arial or Times New Roman, Font Size: 12


Font: Arial, Font Size: 9

Header Content: Australian Tertiary Institute (Right side) and Unit Title (Left side)


Font:  Arial, Font Size: 9

Footer Content:      First Name & Family Name     Student ID    Date: dd/mm/yy    Page no.


LEFT: 4cm TOP : 4cm BOTTOM: 4cm RIGHT: 4cm


References must include the following information:

From a book:                                    Book title, author, year published and Page No.

From a newspaper:                          Newspaper Name, Issue No. Date and Page No.

From the internet:                           Website address, Author (if available), Date downloaded

Save your written assessments as follows:

Class Number, Student Name, Student ID Number, Unit Code, Assessment Number, Trainers Name, Date the student is submitting the assessment

For example:  C3B9_Singh_P123_SITXWHS0023_KA3_Leejo_02012020

Part 9 – ATI Appeal Policy and Procedure

Students who feel dissatisfied with the way they have been assessed and/or the assessment outcomes or results recorded for them, should in the first instance communicate the issue and/or concerns with their relevant trainer as soon as possible from the effective date of the incident or decision.

If the issue or concern cannot be solved informally, the student may complete an ATI Complaints and Appeals form. Appeals must be lodged within 20 calendar days of the initial event/decision.

A student completes the ATI Complaints and Appeals form, then submits this completed form to Student Services in person at the ATI reception or by emailing and attaching the completed form to:

If the student is not successful in the complaint/appeal process or are not satisfied with the outcome they must be advised within 10 working days of the outcome that they have the right to access an external complaints/appeals handling process by contacting the Overseas Student Ombudsman via email:

Part 10 – Privacy Statement

Australian Tertiary Institute recognises and respects your privacy. Australian Tertiary Institute collects, stores and uses personal information only for the purposes of administering students and prospective student admissions, enrolment and education.

The information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except to meet government, legal or other regulatory authority requirements and/or to authenticate information provided to us as part of our application process. Australian Tertiary Institute’s Privacy Policy reflects the National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 as well as the Information Privacy Principles set out in the Information Privacy Bill 2007 (WA). Further information about our Privacy Policy is available on request.

Part 11 – Student Acknowledgement and Agreement

  1. I have read and agree to the ATI Assessment Rules and Requirements as provided and outline in the signed UAA.
  2. I understand that my assessments and supporting evidence may be refused for marking if I have not submitted them in accordance with the content, rules and requirements contained within this UAA read and signed by me as indicated below.
  3.  I have read, acknowledge and agree to the above Unit, Assessment and set Due Dates outlined in this UAA.
  4.  I understand and agree to only submit assessments and supporting evidence that is my own work, unless I otherwise make reference.
  5. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to submit all scheduled assessments and supporting evidence by the allocated Due Date/s and that failure to meet these dates may result in my assessment/s not being marked.
  6. I understand and agree that I am responsible for the retention of all my original assessments and supporting evidence and that I must provide theses original assessments to the ATI trainers and/or representatives when requested specifically where plagiarism and/or cheating is suspected.
  7. I understand and agree that ATI is required to photocopy and retain a copy of this completed and signed UAA, and that I must ensure I retain the copy I will be provided with by the trainer for my own records and future reference.
Student Name                                                                    Student Signature                                                                                                             Date
ATI Trainer/Representative Name                                   Trainer Signature                                                                                                             Date

Part A – Written questions (short answer) 

Instructions to the student:

The following questions have been designed to obtain your knowledge in relation to the Assessment Requirements for this unit. Therefore, please read the question carefully, and answer it in full (unless otherwise instructed by your Trainer/Assessor). Your responses should aim to demonstrate that you have acquired the knowledge and skills required to be deemed competent in this unit.  Please refer to the Learning Guide or class notes if you need to extend you knowledge and skills to successfully answer the question. All questions must be answered correctly to be deemed competent in this unit

  1. How would you obtain information on customer needs, expectations and satisfaction levels using both formal and informal research?


  • How can you provide opportunities for customers and staff to give feedback on products and services?


  • Explain how you will review changes in the internal and external environments and integrate findings into planning for a quality service?


  • How can you provide opportunities for staff to participate in the development of customer service practices?


  • What information would you use to develop policies and procedures for quality service provision?


  • How will you ensure that staff and customers have access to and understand your policies and procedures?


  • What strategies can you employ to monitor customer service in the workplace to ensure standards are met?


  • How will you ensure staff are trained in customer service standards and expectations?


  • Why is it important for you as the manager to take responsibility for service outcomes and dispute resolutions?


  1. Explain how you will act as a positive role model for professional standards expected of service industry personnel?


  1. What questioning techniques are available to you to establish and agree on the nature, possible cause, and details of a customer complaint?


  1. How would you assess the effectiveness of your customer service practices?


  1. How will you identify systemic customer service problems and adjust policies and procedures accordingly to improve service quality?


  1. How would you develop, document and communicate new approaches to customer service to your staff?


  1. Explain the basic principles of quality customer service


  1. Outline the minimum professional service standards required for service industry personnel


  1. Outline the attitudes and attributes expected by service industries to work with customers


  1. Outline the roles and responsibilities of management, supervisors and operational personnel in providing quality service


  1. Where would you source information on the current service trends and changes that affect service delivery?


  • Complete the table to identify whether the change is Internal or external and then explain the likely effect it would have on planning for quality customer service
Environmental Change Internal or External Impact on customer service
Changes in the competitive environment
Customer service surveys
Customer focus groups
Qualitative or quantitative research
Seeking feedback from service delivery colleagues
Questioning customers
  • Explain how the following methods of implementing quality service provisions assist in ensuring a quality service is provided
Developing, implementing and monitoring customer service policies and procedures
Involving staff in the development of customer service practices
Evaluating staff and customer feedback
  • Explain your organisations procedures for responding to the following common customer complaints
Customer Complaint Procedure
Incorrect pricing or quotes
Delays or errors in providing products or services
Misunderstanding of customer requests
Escalated complaints or disputes
Other team members or suppliers not providing special requests
Misunderstandings or communication barriers
Unmet expectations of, or problems or faults with, a service or product
  • Explain the following methods of obtaining feedback from customers
Customer service discussions with employees during the course of each business day
Discussions with customers
Formal customer interviews
Regular staff meetings that involve service discussions
Seeking staff suggestions for content of customer service policies and procedures
Surveys of internal customers, external customers and staff
Improvements suggested by: customers involved in complaints or disputessuppliersstaff, supervisors and managers
  • Explain the methods of assessing the effectiveness of customer service practices in the following table:
Practice Description
Examining overall business performance
Monitoring the ongoing effectiveness of: staff in meeting customer service standardspolicies and procedures in explaining practices
Reviewing numbers and nature of: complaintsdisputesresponses of customersreviewing customer satisfaction survey statistics
  • Explain the industry schemes, accreditation schemes and codes of conduct aimed at improving customer service


  • Explain how your organisational policies and procedures assist in ensuring quality customer service in the following situations:
Acknowledging and greeting customers
Complaint and dispute management
Authority for different level personnel to resolve complaints, disputes, service issues and customer compensation
Loyalty programs
Presentation standards for customer environment and customer service personnel
Pricing and service guarantees
Product quality
Refunds and cancellation fees
Response times
Staff training for: customer servicetechnical skills
  • Explain the objectives, components and comprehensive details of consumer protection laws that relate to customer service, and the business’ responsibility for the following:
Nominating and charging cancellation fees
Providing information on potential price increases
Providing refunds
supplying products as described or substituting suitable products when unable
formats for and content of policies and procedures

Assessment Two: Case Study

Case Study: Which Customers Should This Restaurant Listen To?

Rohit was juggling eggs. Smooth, brown ovals—in one hand or the other for a split second, and then up, up, up in the air. First there were three, then four, then five—Where are they coming from? he wondered—but he kept his arms moving and the loops going, and the crowd in front of him cheered. Where am I? Who are these people? He wanted to look around but knew he couldn’t take his eyes off the eggs. Then, suddenly, they changed into different things: a chicken leg, a courgette, a tomato, a potato, and a bag of lentils. He tried to keep juggling, but his fingers slipped on the slick chicken skin, he tossed the lentils too low and the potato too high, and everything came crashing to the ground. He looked down, but the mess wasn’t what he expected. All around him were broken eggs—dozens of them—whites and yolks oozing out through splintered shells.

He woke with a start—sweaty, heart racing—and looked from side to side. To his left was Anaya, still sleeping. To his right, his nightstand and alarm clock; it was midnight. Rohit sank back into his pillow, breathed for a moment, and started to chuckle—quietly, so as not to wake his wife. He was the founder and CEO of Yolk-ay, a popular United Arab Emirates restaurant chain that specialized in traditional Indian egg preparations but was, as of that morning, considering expanding its menu. The dream was pretty easy to interpret.

Ten Years Earlier

“Dad, you have to try this.”

“Try what, Vikram?” Rohit asked, putting down the Sunday paper. He’d been staring at an ad for the hotel where he worked as a bell captain, wishing that “superior service” had been listed alongside “luxury spa, five-star restaurant, and rooftop pool.” He felt underappreciated, and so did his team. At least he had the morning off. Anaya was making breakfast—egg oats upma—and it smelled delicious.

“Put this in your palm and squeeze as hard as you can,” Vikram said.

“Because I want yolk all over my hands?”

“It won’t break. I promise.”

Rohit was skeptical, but his 19-year-old son rarely initiated conversation nowadays, so he did as he was told. He squeezed—with all his might. But he couldn’t crush the egg.

“See?” Vikram said. “The shape helps it withstand the pressure.”

“Very interesting,” Anaya said, putting breakfast on the table.

“Indeed,” Rohit said, smiling and setting the egg aside.

“I miss your food, Ma,” Vikram said, mouth already full. He had started university the previous fall and was home only on weekends. “I can’t get a good upma to save my life—never mind masala omelets or egg curry. You should open a restaurant next to the dorm. Or even a handcart like the one that taxi driver in Vadodara took us to when we were visiting Dadu and Nanu last year. Remember how good those fresh omelets were? I’m telling you, there are so many Indians on campus. My friends and I would be there every day. So would the professors.”

“Those egg dishes are easy. You could learn to cook them yourself. Isn’t there a kitchenette in your dorm?” Anaya asked.

“No time,” Vikram replied. “Class, cricket, parties…” His mother frowned at the last point. “And soon there will be work,” he added hastily. “I’m applying for a summer internship at Sony in Dubai Internet City. Now, there’s a place you should open a restaurant. It’s crawling with transplants from Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Bangalore—all in their twenties, all away from home. Everyone’s coming for the jobs, just like you and dad did. You’d make a fortune.”

Rohit hadn’t touched his eggs. He was too busy listening to his son outline the business idea that would change both their lives.

Five Years Earlier

“We did it, Dad—three new restaurants in three months. I know you thought I was crazy when I suggested it, but we couldn’t let Tikka House and Raja Cooks steal such prime retail spots from under our noses. There will be literally hundreds of new workers moving into this area and the others over the next year, and we really need to be the ones increasing our supply to meet that demand.”

“Did you learn that in your business school classes?” Rohit teased.

He felt so proud of Vikram he thought he might burst. When they had opened the first Yolk-ay restaurant, five years ago, his son had been a scrawny college student, welcoming customers at the door with flyers he’d printed at a local copy center. Today, armed with an MBA from the Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management—which he’d earned while working as a cashier, cook, restaurant manager, supplier liaison, and, finally, COO—he was a full-grown man and a fully-fledged partner in the business.

They now had five locations, including the three new ones, spread across Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Ras Al Khaimah, in office and residential areas with high concentrations of Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi expats. The restaurants were known across the Emirates for having the best egg dishes west of Okha, made with local farm-fresh ingredients, priced affordably, and always served with a smile, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Both Rohit and Vikram could recite the pitch in their sleep, they’d given it so many times to financial backers, customers, and journalists. Thanks to hit radio ads—developed by Vikram and featuring his and Rohit’s voices touting the health benefits of eggs—the father-son duo had even become minor local celebrities: expat entrepreneurs made good. Yolk-ay’s 2010 turnover had been two million dirhams. With the expansion, they hoped to double that amount this year.

The restaurant they’d just opened, near the Mall of the Emirates in Al Barsha, had been packed all day.

“Where to now?” Vikram asked.

“Home,” Rohit said. “Your mother is waiting for me, and I’m sure Gretchen is waiting for you.” Vikram’s German-born wife of one year was pregnant with twins and due in just a few days.

“I meant, which locations should we start scouting next? There is huge growth in Sharjah. Tikka House just opened there—a little too early, in my opinion—but I’ve heard rumors that both Infosys and Tata are considering moving significant numbers of employees there next year. I could put Arundhati on it.” Vikram’s college friend was working at Yolk-ay, focusing on new business development.

“I appreciate your enthusiasm, Vikram, but let’s make sure the new restaurants are running smoothly first. We don’t want to spread ourselves too thin. The quality has to stay the same across all our outlets. That’s what we’re known for. That’s our promise to customers.”

“I promise it will, Dad. I’ll see to it.” And over the next five years, he did.

That Day

“Dadu, Dadu.” Rohit’s grandsons rushed into his arms. They were turning five today and had asked to have a party with their preschool friends in the original Yolk-ay, in Dubai’s Al Karama. Because their birthday fell on a Monday this year, the one day of the week the restaurants were closed, Vikram had asked Rohit, and of course Rohit had agreed. The boys were the light of his life, and no matter how many Yolk-ays there now were—they’d opened the eighth location, in Sharjah, a year before—this was still his favorite. It felt like home, especially this morning, since Anaya was cooking in the kitchen. He’d told her he would ask the staff to come in and handle everything—his employees were like family, after all—but she’d insisted.

“Your chefs might cook for every twenty-something in the Emirates nowadays, but they’re not going to cook for my grandsons on their birthday,” she’d told him.

Vikram was right behind the boys, carrying presents, which he set down on one of the café tables. “Are you ready for 10 more toddlers running around this place?” he asked.

“Of course,” Rohit replied. “They’re the next generation of customers!”

“At least we have an hour until they come. Does Ma need help? Ah, never mind, Gretchen is already on her way.” Indeed, Rohit’s daughter-in-law had given him a quick kiss on the cheek and then darted behind the counter and through the double doors into the kitchen, shouting “Boys, be good!” as she went.

“Is she talking to us or to them?” Rohit joked.

“I brought some trains to keep them occupied,” Vikram said, pulling the toys out of a rucksack.

“Great, let’s play.”

“Actually, Dad, I was hoping we could talk business for a second. Have you thought about the discussion we had with Arundhati last week?”

“Sure—we’ve hit a dead end with geographic expansion. That’s fine. We can focus on the existing restaurants for now.”

“Yes, but turnover has been flat for the past few months, and we seem to be losing market share to Tikka House and to western competitors like KFC. Of course, we still have loyal customers who love us for the familiarity, but we don’t seem to be winning new ones. The excitement isn’t there anymore. That’s why Arundhati and I think we need to start expanding in other ways.”

“Are you talking about home delivery again? I thought we’d agreed that our dishes don’t travel as well as they’d need to. No one wants cold eggs.”

“Actually, people do want us to do home and office delivery. According to our customer surveys, they want it desperately. They’re getting it from every single one of our competitors. But you’re right—maybe they don’t recognize the reduction in quality that would come with the convenience. The chefs have been adamant on that point, and I’m not going to argue with them, or you, about it again.”


“Good,” Rohit said.

“So let’s talk about the menu. What can we add to spice things up?”

“The chefs in the test kitchen were working on some new preparations yesterday—a recipe one of them got from his great-aunt, another from a cookbook that just came out in America.”

“Egg dishes?”

“Of course,” Rohit said. “Yolk-ay is eggs. Our brand, our marketing, our genesis—eggs. ”

“Only eggs, for ever and ever? Couldn’t we consider adding some vegetarian and chicken dishes, with poultry and produce sourced from the same farms as our eggs? We already have solid relationships with suppliers, and they’d love to do more business with us. They’ve been begging us for years.”

Case Study Teaching Notes

Sandeep Puri and Kirti Khanzode teach the case on which this is based in MBA marketing, services marketing, and retail management courses.

What drew you to this story?

Many of our students and friends regularly visit Raju Omlet. We had a chance to meet with the founder to discuss the challenges of expanding without compromising the unique value proposition.

How do you kick off the discussion?

We ask about critical success factors in the restaurant industry generally and in the UAE in particular. Then we prompt students to discuss customer expectations, marketing communications, and potential growth strategies, including home delivery, geographic expansion, and menu changes.

What do you hope they’ll take away?

We want them to understand the importance of branding to small and medium-size businesses, to evaluate the strategic choices available to Raju Omlet given customer preferences, and to work out how entrepreneurial firms create and sustain competitive advantage.

“Of course they have. It would mean more money for them.”

“More for us, too, I think. Arundhati and I asked a few questions about this in the last survey. A full 48% of respondents said they would come to Yolk-ay more frequently and spend more each time if we had a more varied menu.”

“And what did the other 52% say?”

Vikram ducked his head sheepishly. “They said they were happy with the menu and probably wouldn’t change their routine—but Dad, remember that these are our most loyal customers, people who really love their eggs. Imagine if we did a broader survey of all quick-service restaurant diners—everyone who goes to Tikka House or Raja Cooks or KFC. If we asked them what would bring them to Yolk-ay more often, you know they’d say more offerings.”

“We’ve always said that if you try to do everything, you won’t do anything well.”

“I don’t want us to do everything—just a few more things, enough to get people talking about us again, enough to make sure this business keeps growing, for me, for you, for your grandsons.”

“What does Sunil think?” Yolk-ay’s head chef was a traditionalist; Rohit couldn’t imagine suggesting this type of expansion to him, much less insisting he execute it. There would be huge implications for the kitchen staffs—new ingredients, equipment, and stations; additional training; a whole new way of working together.

“Actually, we asked him to do a small, unofficial market test on Friday. Don’t be mad—it was impromptu, just something Arundhati and I thought up that morning, a tiny experiment. We brought him the ingredients for those samosas he made for last quarter’s company party, and he grumbled at first but finally agreed to make a batch to hand out as samples to the lunch crowd. People loved them—couldn’t get enough. And Sunil was grinning from ear to ear.”

“So he wants to expand the menu too?”

“Not exactly. He talked my ear off about the havoc it would wreak on his systems. But I think we could bring him on board if we had your support.”

“I don’t know, Vikram. Can we talk about it at the office tomorrow? I thought we were here to eat cake and watch a clown do some juggling.”

“Sure, Dad. Sleep on it. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

That Night

Rohit was still at the party, and the twins were opening the last of their gifts, tearing into identical boxes wrapped in yellow paper and tied with red bows. They were quite large—Had Vikram bought them those monster trucks?—but once the boys had them open, it looked like only white tissue paper was inside. They pulled out sheet after sheet after sheet, flinging them across the table, until finally, simultaneously, they reached in deep and pulled out their prizes. In Reza’s hand, hoisted above his head, was a perfect brown egg. In Wolfgang’s, a chicken leg. Both boys were beaming.

Rohit woke again with a start and turned to the alarm clock: 1 AM. Two dreams in one night about the same thing: Vikram’s proposal. But what did they mean? Stick to eggs, or not?

Answer the following questions:

  1. Should Yolk-ay expand its menu offerings? Explain in detail the reason for your decision.


  • To preserve its brand identity, should Yolk-ay stick to the product it’s known for?


  • Should Yolk-ay start a delivery service?


Assessment Three: Project

For this project you are required to complete the three tasks outlined:

  1. Research and develop customer service policies and procedures for at least three different areas of the business that meet industry standards
  • Implement and monitor practices for quality customer service in line with above policies and procedures over four service periods
  • Review your policies and procedures and adjust as necessary and communicate any new practices to staff.

Write all customer service policies and procedures as per task one. Once written, explain how you would implement and monitor the customer service standards over 4 different service periods. For example, a buffet, a dinner, a breakfast and a function. Review your policies and procedures and make adjustments as needed. You must show your original policy and procedure and then create an updated one showing where you made improvements based on the findings from the four service periods.



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