Assessment Brief: PRJ5002 Enterprise and Resource Planning Trimester 1, 2021

Assessment Overview

Assessment Task Type Weight Length Due ULOs Assessed
Assessment 1: Online Quizzes Weekly online quiz of key content areas Individual        30% 20 mins each Week 2- Week 10 ULO1 ULO3
Assessment 2: Applied Project and Presentation (Project Management Plan) This assessment requires students to work in groups and analyze a real-life project to develop and write a report of HR, Communication, and Stakeholders plan Group                  30% (20% report, 10% presentation) 2000 words 15 mins verbal presentation Week 9 ULO2 ULO3 ULO4 ULO5
Assessment 3: Case Study A case study related to project human resources, communications, and stakeholders with related questions will be provided. This assessment requires students to work individually on provided project case and answer the related questions with support from the literature. Individual                  40% 2500 words Week 12 ULO1 ULO2 ULO3 ULO4 ULO5

Assessment 1: Quiz

Due date: Weekly (Week 2 – Week 10)
Group/individual: Individual
Wordcount / Time provided: 20 minutes
Weighting: 30%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2

Assessment 1 Detail

This quiz will assess your knowledge of key content areas (Week 1 to Week 10 contents) and identify further support needs. For successful completion of the quiz, you are required to study the material provided (lecture slides, tutorials, and reading materials),  engage in the unit’s activities,  and in the discussion forums. The prescribed textbook is the main reference along with the recommended reading material. By completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to identify key aspects of HR and Communication in Project Management.


Marking Information: The quiz will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 30% of the total unit mark. 10-20 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) will be used for each quiz. Individual quiz question marks will be depended upon the total number of questions for each quiz. For example, 10 marks will be allocated for each quiz question if 10 questions are used for a particular quiz. The Canvas System will instantly mark the answers to the quiz, but the results will be published later by the Unit Coordinator (UC). Average marks will be calculated based on the total number of quizzes (9) you must attempt. No Marking Criteria and Rubric will be used for this assessment task.

Assessment 2: Applied Project and Presentation

Due date: Week 9
Group/individual: Group
Wordcount / Time provided: 2000 words and 15 minutes verbal presentation
Weighting: 30%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4


This assessment is designed to assess your individual and technical skills in planning and communicating a project effectively. You required to select a project case (either from the provided links to the real-life projects or a project case from an organization of your selection). The project should be in the final stage of the initial process, with either a signed-off project charter or in the stage of getting the approval of the project charter. You are required to write a report of Human Resource, Communications and Stakeholder Management Plan and pertinent subsidiary plans.


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This report should include:

  1. An introduction to the organization and project, program, or portfolio case.
  2. Aa stakeholders’ register.
  3. A brief project charter.
  4. Project HR Management Plan that includes: Roles, Responsibilities, Authority, and Competencies.
  5. Project Organisation Charts.
  6. Staffing Management Plan, Staff acquisition.
  7. Resource calendars.
  8. Staff release plan.
  9. Training needs.
  10. Recognition and rewards,
  11. Compliance and Safety.

Project Communications Management Plan should include:

  1. Communications Matrix.
  2. Project Meeting Guideline (Schedules and Template for minutes of meetings (MoMs).
  3. Project Reporting Procedure (Schedule and Template for Reports).
  4. Project Management Information System (PMIS), and Glossary of Common Terminologies.

Finally, Project Stakeholder Management Plan should include:

  1. Stakeholder Analysis (Identification/Stakeholder Register).
  2. Stakeholder Analysis (Power/Interest    Matrix).
  3. Stakeholder Analysis (Engagement Analysis).
  4. Control Stakeholder Engagement.


For successful completion of this assessment, you are required to study the material provided (lecture slides, tutorials, and reading materials), engage in the unit’s activities, and in the discussion forums. The prescribed textbook is the main reference along with the recommended reading material. You are expected to discuss your work with the lecturer and to seek support.


The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 30% of the total unit mark. The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.


Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory (0-49% of the criterion mark) Satisfactory (50-64% of the criterion mark) Good (65-74% of the criterion mark) Very Good (75-84% of the criterion mark) Excellent (85-100% of the criterion mark)
Organization and integration: use of charts and graphs as per project management best practice, project case, scope, and components (10 marks). Poor organization and integration; use of charts and graphs as per project management best practice, project case, scope, and components. Satisfactory organization and integration; use of charts and graphs as per project management best practice, project case scope, and components. Has good organization and integration; use of charts and graphs as per project management best practice, project case, scope, and components. Has very good organization and integration; use of charts and graphs as per project management best practice, project case, scope, and components. Has excellent organization and integration; use of charts and graphs as per project management best practice, project case, scope, and components.
An HR management plan including Organisational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Roles and responsibilities, RACI matrix. A staffing Management plan including Resource acquisition and release plan, HR calendar and histogram, Staff induction and training plan, performance review, staff recognition and rewards plan, compliance, equity, diversity, and inclusion (20 marks). Lacks evidence of knowledge to develop a human resource management plan and staffing management plan with the relevant components including Organisational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Roles and responsibilities, RACI matrix. Resource acquisition, HR calendar, Staff training plan, performance review, staff recognition and rewards plan, compliance, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Evidence of basic knowledge and skills of developing a human resource management plan and staffing management plan with the relevant components including Organisational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Roles and responsibilities, RACI matrix. Resource acquisition, HR calendar, Staff training plan, performance review, staff recognition and rewards plan, compliance, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Good knowledge and skills base in developing a human resource management plan and staffing management plan with the relevant components including Organisational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Roles and responsibilities, RACI matrix. Resource acquisition, HR calendar, Staff training plan, performance review, staff recognition and rewards plan, compliance, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Very good knowledge and skills of developing a human resource management plan and staffing management plan with the relevant components including Organisational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Roles and responsibilities, RACI matrix. Resource acquisition, HR calendar, Staff training plan, performance review, staff recognition and rewards plan, compliance, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Has excellent skills in developing a human resource management plan and staffing management plan with the relevant components including Organisational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Roles and responsibilities, RACI matrix. Resource acquisition, HR calendar, Staff training plan, performance review, staff recognition and rewards plan, compliance, equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Project communications requirements, Project Information Management System (PMIS), Project performance report (20 marks). Poor knowledge of relevant to Project communications requirements, Project Information Management System (PMIS), Project performance report. Evidence of basic knowledge and skills of Project communications requirements, Project Information Management System (PMIS), Project performance report. Has good Project communications requirements, Project communications requirements, Project Information Management System (PMIS), Project performance report. Has very good Project communications requirements, Project Information Management System (PMIS), Project performance report. Has excellent skills in Project communications requirements, Project Information Management System (PMIS), Project performance report.


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Stakeholder identification, stakeholder analysis, power/interest matrix, stakeholder engagement analysis, and control stakeholders (20 marks). Lacks evidence of knowledge relevant to Stakeholder identification, stakeholder analysis, power/interest matrix, stakeholder engagement analysis, and control stakeholders. Evidence of basic knowledge and skills of Stakeholder identification, stakeholder analysis, power/interest matrix, stakeholder engagement analysis, and control stakeholders. Good factual and/or conceptual knowledge and skills base in planning for methods of Stakeholder identification, stakeholder analysis, power/interest matrix, stakeholder engagement analysis, and control stakeholders. Has very good knowledge and skills of Stakeholder identification, stakeholder analysis, power/interest matrix, stakeholder engagement analysis, and control stakeholders. Has excellent knowledge and skills of Stakeholder identification, stakeholder analysis, power/interest matrix, stakeholder engagement analysis, and control stakeholders.
Referencing (Harvard), grammar, spelling, clarity of expression, and use of standard English (10 marks). Poor referencing (Harvard), grammar, spelling, clarity of expression, and use of standard English. Satisfactory referencing (Harvard), grammar, spelling, clarity of expression, and use of standard English. Good referencing (Harvard), grammar, spelling, clarity of expression, and use of standard English. Very good referencing (Harvard), grammar, spelling, clarity of expression, and use of standard English. Excellent referencing (Harvard), grammar, spelling, clarity of expression, and use of standard English.
Presentation slides Visual Appeal (10 marks) There are too many errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. The slides were difficult to read, and slides contained information copied onto them from another source. No visual appeal. There are many errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Too much information was contained on many slides. The minimal effort made to make slides appealing. There are some errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Too much information on more than three or more slides. The presentation has good visual appeal. There are few errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Too much information on two or more slides. The presentation has significant visual appeal. There are no errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Information is clear and concise on each slide. Presentation is visually appealing/engaging
Presentation topic knowledge/content (10 marks) Presenters didn’t understand the topic. The presentation was a brief look at the topic, but many questions were left unanswered. Majority of information irrelevant and significant points left out. The presentation was informative, but several elements went unanswered. Much of the information irrelevant; coverage of some of the major points. The presentation was a good summary of the topic. Major information covered; presentation contains some irrelevant information. The presentation was a very good summary of the topic. Almost all important information covered; the presentation contains little irrelevant information. The presentation was excellent and shows extensive knowledge of the topic with comprehensive and complete coverage of the information.
Presentation skills (10 marks) Unsatisfactory presentation with no clarity, appropriate pause, intonation, and is not capable to engage listeners. Satisfactory presentation with some clarity and pauses. Good presentation with clarity and pause in the majority of the speech. Very good presentation with clarity and pause and able to engage listeners for most of the time. Excellent presentation with clarity, pause, intonation and is capable to engage listeners all the time.


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Assessment 3: Case Study

Due date: Week 12
Group/individual: Individual
Wordcount / Time provided: 2500 words
Weighting: 40%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4

Assessment 3 Detail

The pdf file of the case study is in Canvas Week 5. This case will enable the students to learn about:

  • Leadership styles, which are effective in adverse situations.
  • How to manage and engage multiple stakeholders who have conflicting interests.
  • Problem-solving and ethical decision-making models; and
  • The effectiveness of strategic decisions. Questions for the case study:

Question 1. What were the challenges faced by Suryakant Mishra? How did he exercise a

problem-solving approach?

Question 2. Why did he focus on a stakeholder engagement approach? Was the stakeholder management approach a game-changing strategy for UAIL or just a cost-escalation method?

Question 3. What type of leadership styles, do you think, were demonstrated by Suryakant Mishra? How would you like to define his negotiation style?

Question 4. What was the role of leadership communication in the case study?

Question 5. Did he exercise ethical decision-making processes?

Question 6. Were his decisions effective? How well did he achieve the stakeholder engagement goal?

Question 7. What approaches should his successor adopt?

Students need to support their answers with further references to comprehensively address the questions in a critical manner. In addition, a summary of recently published articles relevant to project human resource, communications, and stakeholder management need to be added to the discussion where appropriate and relevant.


The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 40 of the total unit mark. The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.


Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory (0-49% of the criterion mark) Satisfactory (50-64% of the criterion mark) Good (65-74% of the criterion mark) Very Good (75-84% of the criterion mark) Excellent (85-100% of the criterion mark)
Identification and understanding of the case with justifications/rationale (15% marks). The report does not demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic or provide a rationale for why it was selected. The report demonstrates an understanding of the topic and provides a rationale for why it was selected, however was unclear in places. The report demonstrates a good understanding of the topic and provides a rationale for why it was selected, however was somewhat unclear in places. The report demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the topic and provides a rationale for why it was selected. The report demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the topic and provides a clear rationale for why it was selected.
Identify and analyze resource management, stakeholder management, and communication management issues, problems, and failures, as they apply to the case study and recommend an appropriate course of action with emphasis on resource, communication, and stakeholder management and lesson, learned (25% marks). Poor identification and analyses on resource, communication, and stakeholder management issues, problems, and failures as applied to the case study and no/minimal recommendations of the appropriate course of action with emphasis on stakeholder, communication, and human resource management and lesson learned. Satisfactory identification and analyses on resource, communication, and stakeholder management issues, problems, and failures as applied to the case study and recommendations of the appropriate course of action with emphasis on stakeholder, communication, and human resource management and lesson learned. Good identification and analyses on resource, communication, and stakeholder management issues, problems, and failures as applied to the case study and good recommendations of the appropriate course of action with emphasis on stakeholder, communication, and human resource management and lesson learned. Very good identification and analyses on resource, communication, and stakeholder management issues, problems and failures as applied to the case study and recommendations appropriate course of action with emphasis on stakeholder, communication, and human resource management and lesson learned. Excellent identification and analyses on resource, communication, and stakeholder management issues, problems and failures as applied to the case study and recommendations appropriate course of action with emphasis on stakeholder, communication, and human resource management and lesson learned.
Evaluation of the literature (15% marks). The evaluation of the literature did not provide clear background information about the topic or cite relevant sources that will be analyzed in the proposed essay. The evaluation of the literature provides background information about the topic but is limited, and wider reading, citing more relevant sources that will be analyzed in the proposed essay was required. The evaluation of the literature provides background information about the topic, but a slightly wider reading, citing more relevant sources that will be analyzed in the proposed essay was required. The evaluation of the literature provides background information about the topic, citing relevant sources that will be analyzed in the proposed essay. The evaluation of the literature provides clear background information about the topic, citing highly relevant sources that will be analyzed in the proposed essay.
Explanation about the notable resource, stakeholder, or communication management practices at the case organization (15% marks). Poor identification and explanation of the notable resource, stakeholder, or communication management practices at the case organization. Satisfactory identification and explanation of the notable resource, stakeholder, or communication management practices at the case organization. Good identification and explanation of the notable resource, stakeholder, and communication management practices at the case organization. Very good identification and explanation of the notable resource, stakeholder, and communication management practices at the case organization. Excellent identification and explanation of the notable resource, stakeholder, and communication management practices at the case organization.
Quality of critical analysis (15% marks) Critical analysis is sophisticated and nuanced and is well supported by an impressive range of quality evidence, with convincing and justified arguments, clearly articulated points, and balanced opinions and future predictions to form conclusions. Critical analysis is thorough and is supported by a good range of quality evidence, with convincing arguments, clearly articulated points, and balanced opinions and future predictions to form conclusions. Critical analysis is good and is supported by a piece of range evidence, with some clear arguments, articulated points, and opinions, and future predictions to form conclusions, however, was unclear in places, and a slightly wider range of evidence was required. Critical analysis is adequate and is supported by some evidence, however the arguments, points, opinions and future predictions were unclear, and a wider range of evidence was required. The critical analysis, arguments, points, opinions, and future predictions were poor or absent, and not supported by relevant evidence.
Writing, structure, and presentation (10%) There are many structural, wording, spelling, and grammatical issues. The ideas are written in a reasonably clear manner, however, there are some structural, wording, spelling, and grammatical issues. The ideas are written and structured in a clear manner, with only minor wording, spelling, and grammatical issues. The ideas are written and structured in a very clear manner, with no wording, spelling, or grammatical issues. The ideas are written and structured with excellent clarity and cohesion, with no wording, spelling or grammatical issues.
Referencing in Harvard Style (5%) There are many errors with the referencing in Harvard style with in-text citations and the reference list. Referencing is used, although there are some errors with in-text citations and the reference list in Harvard style. Referencing is used appropriately, and only minor errors with in-text citations and the reference list in Harvard style. Referencing is used appropriately, and no errors with in-text citations and the reference list in Harvard style. Referencing is excellently used, with correct in-text citations and the reference list in Harvard style

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