Assessment 2: Value proposition report

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Assessment type: Report (individual) Word limit: 2500 (+/- 10%) The word limit excludes the Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Tables, Diagrams, and Reference List
  Due Date: Sunday 23:59 (Melbourne time) – Week 5
  Weighting: 40%


This Value Proposition report is a continuation of your Marketing Intelligence report (Assessment 1). The aim of this assessment is for you to recommend a new value proposition by incorporating a new brand strategy and product/service innovation strategy for the Industry Partner by drawing from your Assessment 1 research findings and proposed growth strategies.

BUSM4739 Marketing for managers

To be successful in this assessment you must draw insights from your Assessment 1 as this is critical to inform your discussions. You are required to demonstrate your understanding of customer’s higher-order values and motives, superior application of the Value Proposition creation processes, demonstrate a reimagining of a brand purpose and strategy as well as relevant product/service strategy. These skills are highly imperative in Marketing to add value to a company’s brand narrative.

You will need to apply several marketing activities taught in the course to complete this report. A successful report will be able to demonstrate appropriate understanding and application of the theories of Value Proposition creation (such as Brand Purpose, Brand Champion, Value Proposition Canvas as well as Kotler and Lee’s Five Product Levels model) to propose a meaningful Value Proposition that is consistent with the Industry Partner’s brand, and which will be appealing to its target market. You will receive written (on Canvas) and verbal feedback (discussed in class) to help you to prepare for Assessment 3.

This report will form a basis when developing further Communications strategy (Assessment 3) to add value to the Industry Partner’s brand narrative.

BUSM4739: Marketing for managers

Assessment criteria

This assessment will measure your ability to:

  • Formulate a comprehensive brand strategy consistent with an organization’s brand purpose and their target market values (10 pts)
  • Formulate relevant product/service strategy that is consistent with an organization’s brand strategy and compelling for their target market (10 pts)
  • Formulate a compelling value proposition to generate a persuasive narrative for an organization (15 pts)
  • Present a marketing report in a clear, concise, informative, and professional format (5 Pts).


This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:

CLO1 Apply the key concepts and tools of marketing theory and practice to enable the application of marketing functions in a professional context.
CLO2 Implement the strategic marketing planning process to develop and manage a marketing plan.
CLO3 Use the marketing information and research tools to perform a marketing situational analysis.
CLO4 Analyze quantitative and qualitative information to assess risk implications in business decisions.

Assessment details


In this assessment, you are required to make several recommendations regarding the Industry Partner’s value proposition, which relates to their brand and product/service strategy. You will need to draw insights from the analysis that you conducted in Assessment 1.

Value propositions incorporate intangible value, inherent in the brand strategy, and tangible value contained in your product/service innovation strategy including both core and augmented product/service attributes.

The aim of a value proposition is to create a market offering that appeals to your consumers higher- order values and motives and functional desires and/or needs. Value proposition serves two basic functions:

  • it is a promise to deliver value to the target market and
  • it differentiates a company from its competitors.

Supporting activities

The following table outlines what is taught in the course and which sections link to the assessment.

Concepts Activity Title Where on Canvas?
Section 1: Brand purpose Brand value Brand champion Activity 3.2.0 Activity 3.2.0
Section 2: Product/Service Strategy Kotler and Lee’s five levels of product Activity 4.2.0
Section 3: Value Proposition Value proposition canvas Activity 3.3.0

Report Structure Requirements

The below sections are a guideline to follow for Assessment 2:

Cover Page

Table of Contents Executive summary

  • The summary provides a summation of the report’s aim and findings. An executive summary is beneficial for Executives who might not have time to read an entire report but want to understand the main findings/highlights of the report. The executive summary is not an introduction that informs what is to come.
  • The reader needs to know exactly what you did and why, and importantly what you found and recommend. The conclusion of your proposed argument (recommendation, or key findings) appears in your executive summary.

Section 1: Brand Purpose

  • In Assessment 1, you completed an analysis of the Industry Partner’s current brand purpose. In Section 1 of this assessment, you will need to first evaluate their current brand strategy and, secondly, propose a new brand purpose by following the processes taught in the course and by thinking about the below, which will assist with justifying:
  1. Your findings from Assessment 1
  • Issues/concerns mentioned in the Industry Partner’s project brief (Canvas Module), and
  • All findings and information discussed in this section need to be properly referenced.

Section 2: Product/Service Strategy

In this section, you need to:

  • Analyze and critique the Industry Partner’s current product/service by using Kotler and Lee’s Five product levels model and,
  • Proposa new product/service strategy by improving or modifying one or more elements of the five levels model. You need to take into consideration the below:
  1. The brand purpose that you recommend in Section 1 above
  • Your Assessment 1 findings
  • Issues/concerns mentioned in the Industry Partner’s project brief (Canvas Module)

The aim is to synthesize a new product/service strategy that is in alignment with the Industry Partner’s brand purpose and the brand champion’s values.

All findings and information discussed in this section need to be properly referenced.

Section 3: Value proposition

  • This section is the culmination of the entire report. Now that you have proposed a new brand purpose (Section 2) as well as a new product/service strategy (Section 2) for the Industry Partner, you then need to synthesis a new value proposition for the company.
  • You will need to demonstrate the use of a value proposition canvas for this task.
  • All findings and information discussed in this section need to be properly referenced.

Section 4: Conclusions

  • Provide a comprehensive conclusion of your report, drawing from the content of Section 1-3.

Reference List

  • Provide a comprehensive list of all the references used in this report using RMIT Harvard Referencing style. A minimum of eight (8) references is required in this assessment, which includes at least four (4) peer-reviewed articles, and four (4) other credible sources of information.


Use RMIT Harvard referencing style for this assessment.

You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have used in your assessments.

Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to reference in the appropriated style. You can also refer to the library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing.


The assessment will be submitted in Canvas as a file upload.


Academic integrity is about the honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge, and ideas.

You should take extreme care that you have:

  • Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks, and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e. directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed, or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods
    • Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites

If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own.


RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offense constituting misconduct. Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviors, including:

  • Failure to properly document a source
    • Copyright material from the internet or databases
    • Collusion between students

For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University website.


When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration.

Criteria   Ratings   Pts
  Criterion 1   Formulate a comprehensive brand strategy consistent with an organization’s brand purpose and their target market values (10 pts) Thorough and critical evaluation of Industry Partner’s current brand strategy. Consistently following brand purpose formulation processes taught in the course. Accurate and comprehensive brand purpose proposal drawing from A1 findings and Industry Partner’s project brief. Consistent and clear alignment with the company and the brand champion’s values. A clear evaluation of Industry Partner’s current brand strategy. Mostly following brand purpose formulation processes taught in the course. Logical brand purpose proposal drawing from A1 findings and Industry Partner’s project brief. Clear alignment with the company and the brand champion’s values. General evaluation of Industry Partner’s current brand strategy provided. Reasonable effort in following brand purpose formulation processes taught in the course. Some logical brand purpose proposal drawing from A1 findings and Industry Partner’s project brief. Some alignment with the company and the brand champion’s values. Limited evaluation of Industry Partner’s current brand strategy provided. Limited effort in following brand purpose formulation processes taught in the course. Some adequate brand purpose proposal drawing from A1 findings and Industry Partner’s project brief. Partial alignment with the company and the brand champion’s values. Unclear evaluation of Industry Partner’s current brand strategy. Inadequate effort in following brand purpose formulation processes taught in the course. Vague brand purpose proposal and not enough insights from A1 findings and Industry Partner’s project brief. Inadequate alignment with the company and the brand champion’s values. No critical evaluation provided.
10 to >7.99 pts 7.99 to >6.99 pts 6.99 to >5.99 pts 5.99 to >4.99 pts 4.99 to >0.0 pts 0.0 pts 10 pts
  Criterion 2   Formulate relevant product/service strategy that is consistent with an organization’s brand strategy and compelling for their target market (10 pts) Thorough analysis and critique of the Industry Partner’s current product/service strategy by appropriately using the Five Product Levels model. Comprehensive proposal of a new product/service strategy by critically Clear analysis and critique of the Industry Partner’s current product/service strategy by appropriately using the Five Product Levels model. Logical proposal of a new product/service strategy by mostly using the five-level models. Logical link to General analysis of the Industry Partner’s current product/service strategy. Some users of the Five Product Levels model. Reasonable proposal of a new product/service strategy by using the five-level models. Some link to the Limited analysis of the Industry Partner’s current product/service strategy. Limited use of the Five Product Levels model. Some proposal of a new product/service strategy by using the five-level models. Some link to the brand purpose. Unclear analysis of the Industry Partner’s current product/service strategy. Inaccurate use of the Five Product Levels model. Vague proposal of a new product/service strategy by using the five-level models. Unclear link to the brand purpose. Unclear link to the A1 findings No analysis or critique provided.
using the five-level models. A clear link to the brand purpose. Drawing from A1 findings and Industry Partner’s project brief. Consistent and clear alignment with the company and the brand champion’s values. the brand purpose. Mostly drawing from A1 findings and Industry Partner’s project brief. Clear alignment with the company and the brand champion’s values. brand purpose. Some logical drawing from A1 findings and Industry Partner’s project brief. Some alignment with the company and the brand champion’s values. Partial drawing from A1 findings and Industry Partner’s project brief. Partial alignment with the company and the brand champion’s values. and Industry Partner’s project brief. Inadequate alignment with the company and the brand champion’s values.
10 to >7.99 pts 7.99 to >6.99 pts 6.99 to >5.99 pts 5.99 to >4.99 pts 4.99 to >0.0 pts 0.0 pts 10 pts
  Criterion 3   Formulate a compelling value proposition to generate a persuasive narrative for an organization (15 pts) Superior use of Value Proposition canvas. Insightful and accurate use of each of the elements of the canvas. Proposed a comprehensive value proposition, which is compelling to the brand champion, differentiates the Industry Partner from its competitors, and highly consistent with its current brand strategy. Clear use of Value Proposition canvas. Accurate use of each of the elements of the canvas. Proposed a rational value proposition, which is most compelling to the brand champion, differentiates the Industry Partner from its competitors, and most consistent with its current brand strategy. General use of Value Proposition canvas. Reasonable use of each of the elements of the canvas. Proposed an appropriate value proposition, which is often compelling to the brand champion, generally differentiates the Industry Partner from its competitors and generally consistent with its current brand strategy. Limited use of Value Proposition canvas. Limited use of each of the elements of the canvas. Proposed an adequate value proposition, which is partially compelling to the brand champion, limitedly differentiates the Industry Partner from its competitors and adequately consistent with its current brand strategy. Inaccurate use of Value Proposition canvas. Inaccurate use of each of the elements of the canvas. Proposed a vague value proposition, which is not compelling to the brand champion and does not differentiate the Industry Partner from its competitors. The value proposed is inconsistent with its current brand strategy. No use of Value Proposition canvas.
15.0 to >11.99 pts 11.99 to >10.49 pts 10.49 to >8.99 pts 8.99 to >7.49 pts 7.49 to >0.0 pts 0.0 pts 15 pts
  Criterion 4   Present marketing report in a clear, concise, informative, and professional format (5 Pts) Accurate and comprehensive Executive Summary. Critical and insightful conclusion provided. A minimum of eight (8) relevant references were included and correctly formatted as per the RMIT Harvard referencing guide. Consistently integrates research and ideas from relevant and appropriate sources. Consistently clear, well-integrated evidence using accurate paraphrasing and summary. Communicates meaning through the use of clear and unambiguous language. Executive Summary was presented. Logical conclusion provided. A minimum of eight (8) relevant references were included and mostly correctly formatted as per RMIT Harvard referencing guide. Mostly integrates research and ideas from relevant and appropriate sources. Mostly clear, well-integrated evidence using accurate paraphrasing and summary. Communicates meaning through the use of clear and unambiguous language. Executive Summary was presented. Clear conclusion provided. Less than eight (8) relevant references were included and mostly correctly formatted as per RMIT Harvard referencing guide. Reasonably integrates research and ideas from relevant and appropriate sources. Often clear, well-integrated evidence using accurate paraphrasing and summary. Correct punctuation and spelling. Executive Summary was presented yet does not include the highlights of the report. Reasonable conclusion provided Less than eight (8) relevant references were included and mostly correctly formatted as per RMIT Harvard referencing guide. Satisfactorily integrates research and ideas from relevant and appropriate sources. Sometimes clear, well-integrated evidence using accurate paraphrasing and summary. Generally, communicates clearly. Some instances of incorrect use of language. Executive Summary was presented yet it is inaccurate and does not include the highlights of the report. An incomplete conclusion provided. Less than eight (8) relevant references were included and mostly correctly formatted as per RMIT Harvard referencing guide. Inadequately integrates research and ideas from relevant and appropriate sources. Language fails to communicate meaning clearly. No report presented.
5.0 to >3.99 pts 3.99 to >3.49 pts 3.49 to >2.99 pts 2.99 to >2.49 pts 2.49 to >0.0 pts 0.0 pts 5 pts




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